3 Sci-fi Anime That Redefine The Genre

Japanese anime has brought a whole new structure to popular science fiction genre. Here are three anime that redefine the concept.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: This is considered to be one of the top sci-fi anime to date. Defining the tone with big fights, big robots, and space explosions, it is a sci-fi epic with a deep human story.

Gurren Lagann: Visually ambitious and effectively written mecha series, it explores the expanses of space and wars.

Serial experiments lain: It has a special tone and style and serves as a benchmark for many anime in the genre. It has got a good storyline between the real and virtual world as well topped with modern technology.

Anime where storyline is incorporated with future technology have reached more heights and are highly celebrated by the audience. Feel the joy of watching sci-fi anime.

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