What is Anime? An Introduction

Anime, pronounced as “Ah-knee-may” is an abbreviation for the word “Animation”. This word is used to refer all animations in Japan. With the increase in popularity, it has become a catch-all term for animation even outside the country.

For almost a decade, anime was a local product produced by and for Japan. It had a distinct look and feel artwork that included a unique storytelling, theme and concepts. Over time, it became an international phenomenon. It attracted millions of viewers and even got translated into many languages.

Due to a high level of popularity, anime looks as a genre. But it isn’t. Anime shows includes a number of genres such as comedy, drama, sci-fi, horror, action, adventure and so on.

For Anime fans, there is only two words to describe it, “It’s different”. Unlike other comics, the shows and movies, Anime include an artwork of storytelling and even showcases the culture nuances portraited by it’s characters. That being said, even shows with basic artwork has an impactful visual striking experience. This way everything looks new and fresh with anime.

Another remarkable fact is, it doesn’t shy away from epic topics. Also, many western cartoons are an inspired work of anime artwork.

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