6 Awesome Retro Anime Classics You Should Try

There are so many anime shows to choose from and can anyone go wrong with the all the classics? Here’s an article that will suggest you some of the best classic collections to watch.

Dragon Ball (1986)

The high-spirited adventure of Goku and friends has entranced anime enthusiasts for decades, and there’s something here for everyone. It’s got martial arts action, cheeky comedy, a wholesome dose of mystery, and a leering old man in a turtle shell. It is jollification from start to finish, and there’s plenty of content for you to enjoy. Countless story arcs, multiple iterations, and hundreds of episodes overflowing with goodness.

Wicked City (1992)

It explores ideas and nervous truths that we’re still talking about to this day, and could well have been made just yesterday. True to its title, it is spooky and unnerving, with confronting visuals taken straight from your most vivid nightmares. It subverts the notion of genre, ostensibly presenting itself as an action film while displaying traits of body horror, film noir, and even buddy cop here and there.

On an aesthetic front, Wicked City is a delight to the eyes, seamlessly using colors and lighting as its playthings to help emphasize the urgency of its scenes. Every grim moment just hits you, holds you, and haunts you, and it’s no fantasy to say that it is an essential part of any otaku’s anime diet.

Berserk (1997)

Gory and gratifying, Berserk is deliberate in its performance. It hits you with gory images of intense, brutal violence set upon an often subdued soundtrack, and when it treats you to moments of giddiness, you know that it won’t last for long.

Astro Boy (1980)

They’re admirable suggestions (especially Youto-kun), but they were all preceded by the famous Astro Boy. Despite its cheerful exterior, this anime has one of the more tragic backstories behind its hero’s origin, and it readily confronts questions of morality in technology.

Astro Boy can quickly bring tears to your eyes in surprising ways. The endearing cast may live in a fantastical, futuristic world, but they’re undeniably rooted in their human characteristics. Its creator, shaped manga, anime, and animation in general with his innovations, and this is his most enduring work for a reason.

Speed Racer (1967)

For all of your favorite modern anime to walk, its predecessors like Speed Racers had to drive.

This is truly the definition of an anime classic. It is more qualifiers for an anime to be considered classic than simply being old. It has to be enduring, symbolic, and engrained within a generation.

The era in which Speed Racer came from was a much different time, rife with its own prejudices. The way it was able to transform such tensions is unfathomably significant. It is uniquely unique, rarely letting up with its quirky characters and high octane action. It caters to those seeking frequent thrills, and its fight scenes are something to behold.

Basically, Speed Racer knows exactly what it wants to be, and it leans into that concept with the same confidence Speed takes a hairpin turn. It’s not afraid to be unabashedly mysterious or loony, and in a lot of ways, it defies definition. It simply oozes style in the grooviest way.

Sailor Moon (1992)

If you grew up in the 90s, Sailor Moon was undoubtedly a part of your childhood. It’s an anime staple, and among the most notable ones to make an impact in the western market before the medium became a worldwide sensation. Maybe you kept watching it to this day, in which case you’ll already know why it was so popular, but maybe you stopped? If so, you’re really missing out, because this holds up just as well nearly three decades later…

Usagi is the character within us all. She’s emotional, impulsive, and rash, prone to outbursts, and with an attention span shorter than the next sentence.

The thing is, she’s really just a kid who’s been thrown into a quite bizarre situation, and her character arc is something to behold, transitioning over time from a panicky, inept klutz to a confident, daring leader, who’s still a klutz.

It is a must-watch for any fan of bishoujo anime. And even if bishoujo isn’t your jam, you should watch it anyway.

5 Must-Watch Magical Girl Anime Shows

The magical girl is an important and time-honored staple of the anime genre, with new examples coming out each year. Whether you’re a magical girl expert or a newcomer looking to dip your toes into the genre, here are our top five picks for the magical girl anime you just can’t miss.

Sailor Moon: The indisputable Queen of magical girls is Sailor Moon. It is all about Usagi’s adventures as the titular Moon Princess and it remains the ultimate must-see of the magical girl genre.

Cardcaptor Sakura: Cardcaptor Sakura tells the tale of Sakura Kinomoto’s efforts to attract and seal the magical Clow Cards, discovering mysteries and secrets about her own family and friends along the way.

Revolutionary Girl Utena: If you love the style and music of 1990s anime and are after something a bit different from your conventional magical girl fare, Revolutionary Girl Utena is the show for you. Utena is a feisty teenage girl who wears the boy’s school uniform and aspires to be a heroic prince. Utena further shows her majestic when she befriends Anthy, the Rose Bride, and battles to free her from her dark destiny. 

Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Often called the Neon Genesis Evangelion of magical girl anime, Madoka Magica involves a lovable critter called Kyubei offering girls a single wish in return for becoming magical and fighting evil witches. However, Madoka quickly discovers that not everything is as it originally seemed.

Princess Tutu: An impressive mix of fairytale, fable, and classic magical girl tropes, Princess Tutu is a story within a story about a little duck who falls in love and is given a magical pendant that allows her to become not only human but a beautiful and charming ballerina.

Explore these shows and get to know the genre.

Top 5 Best Mystery Anime Of All Time

Mystery anime is typically stuffed with mysterious deaths, crimes, events, individuals, or perhaps objects. These series keep viewers on the edge of their seats. They’re packed with twists and turns that always create viewers to marvel at what’s going to happen next. Viewers conjointly like to follow the clues or guess however the series goes to finish. 

Monster: Author Naoki Urasawa is taken into account as one of the foremost powerful creators within the business, and 1994’s Monster is his most important work. A cult classic by each definition, it’s typically unnoted by newer fans of the medium owing to its age. Happening in the Federal Republic of Germany within the late decade, the story is about a couple of surgeons Kenzou Tenma in search of a serial murderer, a person whose life he saved once upon a time. It is a story that takes its time to create up itself, making a narrative that’s as thrilling because it is cliff-hanging.

Everything Becomes F: The Right Business Executive: The Perfect within maybe a Japanese novel from 1996 written by writer Hiroshi Mori, that has been over the years custom-made into a manga, a visible novel, a live-action, and anime series. Its premise circles around a genius computer programmer Shiki Magata who lives a solitary life aloof from everyone else on a faraway island.

When her colleague Souhei Saikawa associated an associate Moe Nishinosono travel to the island to meet up together with her, they get involved in an exceedingly double murder whereas stuck within a distant facility.

The Kubikiri Cycle: SHAFT and mangaka Nisio Isin square measure each famed for manufacturing the critically acclaimed Monogatari series. One amongst their additional underrated works, The Kubikiri Cycle, conjointly referred to as Zaregoto, was the author’s debut into the globe of manga and anime. Its eight-episode long OVA series covers couple of clusters of good people that have gathered on the associate island and obtain concern in an exceedingly ghastly murder.

Similar to most of the author’s work, it’s a story that seems flashy on the surface however gets additional philosophical and creative the deeper one appearance

Mouryou no Hako (Box of Spirits and Goblins): Taking place within the Nineteen Fifties, Mouryou no Hako follows a bunch of individuals, a criminal offense fiction author, a news magazine editor, associated with an associate (magic and spirit specialist) as they investigate a series of murders in Tokyo.

Higurashi once they Cry: Murder and High School might not be something that always go hand in hand and it’s this exotic mix of genres that adds to Higurashi’s homicidal charm. Across its multiple seasons and arcs, it revolves around Keiichi Maebara as he investigates the history of murders that have taken place within the village of Hinamizawa, wherever he has recently stirred to.

Thus these are the top mystery anime shows that makes us crazy, Checkout these for a thrilling experience.

5 Great Anime Parents With Awful Children

Many anime parents are troubled by their children due to the terrible manner in which they behave. Here is a look at five such great Anime Parents that struggle with awful children.

My Hero Academia: Mitsuki Bakugo’s Son was a mentally and physically abusing bully. Bakugo is probably anime’s most beloved bully. Right from his childhood to his teenage years, he forever picked on the weakest person within the space, which might invariably be young Deku, and he would unmercifully abuse him simply to feel higher concerning himself. t took a minimum of 2 seasons for Bakugo to jettisoning his conceitedness and pride so that he may read himself because of the person who he was, to become a higher version of himself.

A Silent Voice: Miyako Ishida’s son browbeaten a woman to the purpose of forcing her to transfer colleges. The entire premise of A Silent Voice revolves around the theme of redemption, principally that of young Shouya. As a schoolboy, Shouya browbeat the deaf and mute Shouko whereas his classmates merely looked on, ignoring everything he did.

Death Note: Sachiko is shown to be a soft, kind person who loves her family to death. She perpetually worries concerning her husband’s health and her children’s future (especially Light’s) however never comes across as authoritarian. Throughout the show, she remained oblivious to the very fact that her son was Kira, who was chargeable for killing thousands of individuals, together with utterly innocent people, just because they happened his manner of a perfect world.

Future Diary: Rea Amano’s Son Yukiteru Killed folks Indiscriminately To Become God. Yuki started as a daily high school student, however, his parent’s death and Yuno’s influence over each call of his turned him into a villain. He started, baiting, manipulating, and even killing folks with great care that he may win the survival game and become God.

Wonder Egg Priority: Acca & Ura-Acca over Up making A homicidal AI.  The couple created an AI with the looks and mannerisms of a 14-year-old woman and named her to flounce. However, Frill’s true nature came to the surface once Acca got himself a spouse then a toddler. Flounce killed each of those ladies, forcing Acca to lock her up within the basement. The anime doesn’t make a case for, however, she somehow managed to influence young and vulnerable women from the basement, forcing them to kill.

You can experience a fun filled ride by watching these top animes.

4 Geeky Anime Heroes That You Should Know About

Though the work geek is recently originated, it has become very common nowadays. Let us see about few geeky anime characters who are underdog heroes. They may look geeky but at the same time, they are the game-changer. Not all who look strong are heroes, many heroes who look geeky but are more powerful than any. Let’s see them below:

Keima Katsuragi – The World God Only Knows

At first look, you could come to a point that Keima Katsuragi is standoffish, arrogant, and rude. Spend some time watching him, and you’ll learn who he is.

He always invests most of his time and energy into dating sims, and as such, has become a master of his craft. He has no time for petty things like actual relationships with real people. It was then he’s contractually obligated to engage with girls outside of the video games he cherishes, that his crusty exterior begins to crack him.

Also, he’s incredibly attentive and an excellent listener and he has a real knack for knowing exactly how to help people with their problems and handle them very delicately. He’s borderline sweet, in fact, as long as you can see through the multiple layers of defence that he has put up over the years.

Yutaka Itazu – Eden of the East

True geniuses never fail to realize that sometimes, for great things to happen, sacrifices must be made, this is a true raw fact. Reclusive shut-in Yutaka Itazu shunned the outside world to dedicate himself to his loving craft, and in doing so, gave up his social life.

Yutaka is a big master hacker whose ambitions perhaps never lined up with his success, a relatable plight that many of us have felt on occasions. His major hobbies include computers, baseball, and close inspections of automobiles. Once he has a goal in his mind, he has the intelligence and resourceful nature to make it happen anyway, proving a powerful ally in the fight against the enigmatic Mr. Outside.

He may seem gruff and aloof at first, but he’s got a heart of gold inside, as proven by his mission to help the NEET in need. Sure, a lot of that probably has to do with the fact that he’s a longtime NEET himself, but whatever his motive, it’s a noble cause all the same time.

Rika Shiguma – Haganai

One of the benchmarks of a big prototypical geek is an awkward inability to connect with others easily, leading many to believe that geeks are always introverted. At times, Rika Shiguma is not an introvert. She is more an ambivert, a mix of the two personality traits.

Rika spends much of her time in the safety of her lab, but once she has locked onto the target of her affection, she will stop at nothing to pursue them.

Renge Houshakuji – Ouran High School Host Club :

Renge Houshakuji is another dating sim aficionado, and heads straight for Japan to meet Ouran Host Club’s director, Kyoya Ootori, simply because he resembles her favorite character. Such courage! Such whimsy! Such expendable income!

She immediately appoints herself the club’s manager and sets about shaping the boys to match her ideal vision. Beyond her sweet disposition, she always proves to be shrewd, ambitious, and utterly terrifying. She’s also a cosplayer, adding further to her status as the ultimate otaku.

Try these characters and find the one that you love the most.

Akira: Why it is an Anime that you should watch

Akira is an Anime that you cannot miss. It is an anime that holds a big fan base across three decades. First released in Australia, the love for this anime increased over the period.

Akira tells about a young rebellious teenager Shotaro Kaneda and his biker gang. During a big tussle with a youth rival gang, they run afoul of a secret government operation that tests experiments on small children and displays psychic abilities. One member, Tetsuo Shima, is abducted, and Kaneda sets off to track him down.

Akira’s haunting imagery sticks in-depth with the viewer, and it is bursting with symbolism. It shows up in a manner so masterful that it strikes its beauty. Though there are protagonists and antagonists to be found, there are few actual powerful heroes and even fewer characters who you would definitively call ‘very good’.

However, on the aesthetic front, this film is excellent. No one could make one more Akira. It is a masterpiece.

Akira always remains as poignant now as it did when it first screened, or perhaps even more and more. The societal ills and stunted progression of widespread technology, where devices are not as ambitiously advanced as other futuristic portrayals, ring true in 2020. It hangs like general malaise, unavoidable and inescapable.

The director Katsuhiro Otomo has announced that a new anime series based on his original Akira manga will hit us soon.

In short, Akira is a timeless classic with a very good message. At no point, it feels dated or irrelevant, and the image of Tetsuo, a makeshift cape draped over his shoulders as he stares down those who oppose him, is simply iconic and will last in the hearts of millions of anime fans.

5 Anime Characters with Cute Little Fangs

You may have noticed certain characters sporting prominent, pointy tooth in a lot of anime. This is commonly known as a cute little fang, Moe fang, or Tsundere fang. Usually, this fang denotes the character is mischievous, sneaky, and adorable. Here are some of such characters with cute little fangs.

Hana Uzaki -Uzaki Chan Wants To Hang Out

She is a confident, cheerful, energetic girl. She will say whatever is in her mind and eat whatever interests her. Hana finds Shinichi as an introvert and decides to spend as much time as possible with him. She genuinely cares for him and considers him as her best friend. All she wants to hang out with him.

Killua Zoldyck – Hunter X Hunter

Some people may think that Killua is out of place on this list. Most of the time, his fangs are not visible. But when he is feeling playful, his cute little fang emerges. He is also cheeky, cheerful, and full of mischievous ideas. His way of thinking and knowledge gives him the attitude of an adult, but he is still just a kid. However, his aptitude in killing shows his other face of deadly, violent, and bloodthirsty. His sweet tooth emerges when he is changing his attitude.

Kotaro Hayama – Kuroko’s Basketball

Hayama is an energetic, talented basketball player with cute little fangs. Sometimes he fools around like a child and his teammates scold him for that. He usually yells instead of speaking in his normal volume. He is presented as careless, but he is very spirited in basketball and enjoys going against strong opponents. He is also an attention seeker. He enjoys showing his dribbling skills in front of his teammates and opponents. 

Kou Minamoto – Toilet Bound Hanako Kun

Kou Minamoto has not one but two cute little fangs. It is visible whenever he is shouting or snarling. He is a member of a renowned exorcists family. He is a cheerful, diligent young man who fights hard to protect the weak and throw out the evil spirits back to darkness whenever they came. He is often found rude and rash and at the same time, he is very kind and caring. He always takes the path that is right for him.

Hibiki Sakura – How Heavy Are the Dumbbells you lift

Hibiki is a big eater who always eats junk food. She gained weight due to this lifestyle and it makes her panic. She joins Silverman gym to lose weight. She doesn’t like overly muscular bodies and when she saw several men with such bodies, she immediately leaves. She meets Machio in the gym and gets a crush on him. Later, she finds he also has a muscular body. What makes Hibiki different is that her cute little fang is the representation of ambition and desire.

5 Best Gaming Related Anime Shows

Do you love video games? Are you a hardcore gamer? There are different kinds of games like puzzles, cards, action and so on. There are lots of gaming-related anime as well. Here are some best gaming-related anime.

Konosuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World!

If you enjoy the Japanese Roleplaying game, you will love this anime. Konosuba is a humorous fantasy anime with lovable characters and hilarious scenes. Think that one day you woke up and are informed that you are a special hero and you are going to beat up a big bad guy.

The main protagonist Kazuma is a 16-year-old boy obsessed with the game. One day while returning home after buying a video game, he tries to rescue his classmate from hitting a tractor leads which to Kazuma’s death. After death, he is sent to a parallel reality by beautiful goddess Aqua and becomes a role-playing character. Every gamer’s dream is to go to a fantasy world and fight like a hero. Kazuma is not an epic hero. He is an ordinary person who works hard to defeat the devil king. The whole anime is structured like a Japanese Roleplaying game.

Amagi Brilliant Park

This anime has a resemblance to games like Rollercoaster Tycoon, Theme park, and Harvest Moon. Let us discuss Amagi in the background of Harvest Moon. The Harvest Moon game aims to clear the trash and cut down some trees for space. Along with cleanliness, there are tasks of growing crops and looking after animals. The game is about creating a farming empire.

The location of the anime Amagi is just like the harvest moon. Kanie Seiya is invited for a date by Sento Isuzu at Amagi Brilliant Park. The park is just like Harvest Moon with trash, rats, and few elderly people reading the newspaper. Park is in financial trouble and is about to close. The owner of the park hires Kanie as the manager to save the park from closing. Using his skills in entertainment he attracts people to the park. If you are a fan of Harvest moon, Rollercoaster Tycoon, or Theme park, you can’t watch this anime without comparing them.

Sword Art Online

Sword Art Online is all about the Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game(MMORPG). The plot of the anime is related to virtual reality. The story takes place in the future. In 2022, virtual reality has progressed so far and a massive online role-playing game launched, Sword art online. The story progresses through the main character Kirigaya nicknamed Kritto who got the first shipment of the game. He logs with ten thousand others later realizing the game’s creator trapped them in a new world until they can complete a hundred levels of the game. To escape, Kritto interacts with other players. Kritto fights for survival and escapes from the virtual hell.

Log Horizon

Log Horizon and Sword Art online are similar in many ways. As a result of an update, thirty thousand Japanese players are suddenly transported to the world of MMORPG Elder Tale. The hero Shiroe along with his friends set up a team to face the world. Log Horizon is a little more light-hearted than Sword Art online and is the best choice to watch.

Hyperdimension Neptunia

This anime takes place in the world of Gamindustri, comprised of four states. Each state has a goddess. Anime starts with a peace treaty of four goddesses forbidding them from fighting. The story is about the main character goddess Neptunia. She decides to play video games all day. This results in the anti-goddess movement. The story progresses through the life of Neptunia.

6 Best Action Anime That You Can Watch

Action is a very broad and diverse term when it comes to anime. Let’s see some of the most popular action animes of all time.

Gintama: Gintama is set in an alternate-reality in which Japan has been conquered by aliens.

Hunter X Hunter: This series is about twelve-year-old Gon Freecss and his friends who take the Hunter Exam and travel the world to build their life as hunters.

Attack On Titan: In Attack On Titan, people live surrounded by large walls to save themselves from man-eaters known as Titans. The series is about Corps, whose mission is to protect the people and stop the titans.

Code Geass: Lelouch Of The Rebellion R: It is the story of Lelouch who serves as a masked vigilante, Zero, to create a revolution to topple the Empire of Britannia. 

Cowboy Bebop: The anime is set in the year 2071. Earth is uninhabitable, and humans are living on colonized planets and moons. 

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba: The series revolves around Tanjirou Kamado, who is trying to avenge his family murdered by demons. His sister-turned-demon Nezuko and a mysterious group, Demon Slayer Corps, joins him on his quest.

There are many more such action anime that you can enjoy as well.

How is Anime Created? Here is what you need to know

Have you ever wondered how an anime is made? For most of us, anime production is all smoke and mirrors. 

Anime is all about the labor of love and something that requires the talent of many people, as well as the patience of a select few. After all, it is one that requires many, many steps. The success of even one episode is no small feat as one misstep can have dire consequences for the entire production. 

The first step is the animation. Once the animation is done, the coloring team, supervised by the color designer, digitizes, cleans, and colors the cuts. At this point, the cuts are referred to as cells. The colorist places the colored cells against the background art and adds in 3DCGs under the supervision of the 3DCG supervisor. The final stage of the production is filming, in which composition, special effects, and editing are finalized.

Behind every big shot like Miyazaki, Shinkai, and Kon is a team of hardworking artists and staff pouring their souls into a project.